Julia's spring carrots

Carrots are one of the most popular root vegetables; they’re versatile and have many different flavours depending on how they are cooked. They contain large amounts of carotene which is responsible for the orange colour and is the precursor to Vitamin A. They are also a great source of Vitamin C and fibre.
A particularly distinctive and delicious flavour combination when cooking carrots at home is honey and coriander. Both of these ingredients are used in our unique recipe here from the French food stylist and Photographer, @JuliaLaPoseGourmande.
Julia lives in Bordeaux and has an eye for travel, family and food. She often plays with colour and of course, with flavour, in her recipes.
These easy, fast and flavoursome carrots are a great side dish for Sunday lunch. Add this recipe to your Spring repertoire today.

- 1 bunch of carrots
- 1 tbsp of honey
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Half a pack of feta
- A handful of chopped cranberries
- Fresh coriander chopped
- Chopped pistachios (optional)
1. Remove the carrot leaves, then peel and wash the carrots.
2. Heat the honey if necessary to liquefy it, then mix it with the oil.
3. Coat the carrots with this mixture and season, in your Falcon serving tray.
4. Bake for 30 minutes at 180°. The carrots should be beautifully tender.
5. Crumble the feta on the carrots, then add the cranberries, chopped fresh coriander and finish with the chopped pistachios (optional but they’ll add crunch).